Friday, April 8, 2011

Warming My Heart

Our week was great! We are finally enjoying a bit more warmish weather. The kids have enjoyed much outdoor time these last few days. More to come on their newest project.

This one is for the Grandpas. Look at her go.
Lutie Cutie warms my heart. She is enjoying learning how to play the violin.
All was quiet and I beagn to wonder.....This is what I found. My heart smiles when my children are in books. This was almost too much for me to take. Eli was nibbling in Mother Theresa, Lucy was studying/giggling at the paintings and sculptures in the Sistine Chapel, and Ezra was dreaming about The Lone Ranger and castles. Keep it up kids. The world is yours to discover!

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! That's a big knife for such a little girl. :) I adore seeing my children read too.
